IntegriShield Awarded among 2016’s Top Compliance Companies

For the second year in a row, IntegriShield has been named among the LeadsCouncil’s top compliance companies in education. This honor recognizes IntegriShield’s advanced technology and its ability to simplify workflow, streamline remediation, and track brand recognition across the web.

“Navigating the lead generation industry can be a challenging task for any company and adding in the rigorous compliance regulations can be extremely taxing,” said Michael Ferree, Director of the LeadsCouncil. “It’s an honor to recognize companies like IntegriShield that have made the commitment to help our industry maintain consistent and compliant messaging. The LEADER Awards provide a distinct direction for our members as to who they should work with, and I think that is great thing.”

“Our customers want more and are looking for custom solutions and accuracy without sacrificing their budgets. Most come to us having tried other systems and stay for the granular approach and cost savings,” said Gayla Huber, IntegriShield president. Huber takes pride in her team’s unmatched ability to follow compliance infractions until they are resolved. “We’re not afraid to go the extra mile,” Huber says. “Compliance products on the market often identify the issue or violation for customers, but fail to provide the solution. It’s an honor to have our technology recognized for giving clients unprecedented access and transparency into their brand’s web presence.”

Increased scrutiny from regulatory bodies has made marketing compliance a hot topic throughout several industries. As a recognized trailblazer in the sector, LeadsCouncil invited IntegriShield to speak during its annual Performance Marketing Conference, LeadsCon Las Vegas, to help further educate businesses and mitigate risks. Huber will be joined by the Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc to share best practice methods when dealing with self-regulation and unauthorized landing pages. “We are excited for these opportunities to form strategic partnerships and help businesses protect their reputation and bottom line,” said Huber.

About IntegriShield:

IntegriShield specializes in protecting companies’ brand and online monitoring. The Internet has provided anyone the ability to misuse company trademarks and misrepresent brands. IntegriShield uses award-winning proprietary technology to track, monitor and remediate violations of industry regulations and brand specific standards. For more information about IntegriShield visit